Dropping E

Dropping E by Jon Lajoie This is a live song by Jon Lajoie and is absolutely hilarious. A quick easy one to learn and be able to perform for friends and have them all laughing. To view the video that I got this tab from, go here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qveqk-gQxyw All chords are played as Bar chords, strum everything and mute with your left hand. Dm Please don't tell me you want me please don't tell me you wanna touch me stop telling me you wanna get nasty stop telling me you wanna F me Bb A stop trying cuz we're not gonna kiss Bb A put your clothes back on you're gonna regret this Dm A It was a bad idea for us to drop E together Dm A alone in a hotel room I should have known better Dm A Put your clothes back on Dm Dad.